Knowledge base index
Description | |
Statistics | Number of triples: |
Fulltext index
Description | |
Statistics |
Number of distinct text records: Number of distinct word occurrences: Number of distinct entity occurrences: |
Basic settings
Backend name | Wikidata |
Backend slug | wikidata |
Backend URL | |
Is default: | Yes |
Fill known prefixes: | Yes |
Languages: | en |
Default maximum | 100 rows |
Default mode: | 3. SPARQL & context sensitive entities |
Access Token |
Supported Keywords: | as,base,bind,by,construct,contains-entity,contains-word,data,datatype,delete,distinct,filter,from,graph,group,has-predicate,having,insert,internal,keywords,limit,minus,named,not,offset,optional,optional,order,prefix,select,service,sort,textlimit,union,using,values,where,with |
Supported Functions: | asc, desc, avg, values, score, text, count, sample, min, max, average, concat, group_concat, langMatches, lang, regex, sum, dist, contains, str, strlen, substr, strstarts, strends, strbefore, strafter, contains, year, month, day, rand, abs, ceil, floor, round, log, exp, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, if, coalesce, bound, concat, replace, encode_for_uri, isiri, isblank, isliteral, isNumeric, bound, uri, iri, lcase, ucase, exists |
QLever UI Shortcuts:
ctrl + enter | Send query to backend |
tab | Jump to the next placeholder |
ctrl + space | Invoke auto suggestions |
▲ or ▼ | Move through suggestions |
enter | Choose the selected suggestion |
esc | Close suggestion window |
ctrl + f | Search in editor (supports RegEx) |
ctrl + r | Search and replace in editor |
- All predicates with their name and frequency
- German cities with their German names
- Highest peak per country
- People and their professions
- All predicates of Paris with name and #triples
- All "shared border with" statements for Paris (Q90)
- Mountains higher than 8000 meters
- All scientific articles with their author (large result)
- All scientific papers (ID and Name)
- Astronauts and their time spent in space
- Persons and their birthdate if it has precision "9"
- Astronauts ordered by number of sitelinks
- All persons with their description, ordered by sitelinks
- All movies with their description, ordered by sitelinks
- Douglas Adams marriage-related triples
- Average height by occupation and gender, ordered by height
- German Astronauts with Date of Birth
- Astronauts who walked on the moon and when
- Astronauts and their predicates
- Movies in 2017 ordered by date
- Horses and information about them
- People with pictures
- German politicians and their most recent party
- Scientists who's name starts with Albert
- Films, Title, Countries, Genre, Description
- All countries and their German name (test for unicode order)
- All triples of wdt:P30 (continent), with proper names
- Birthplaces of people named Patrick
- All movies and their narrative location
- Literals of Germany, except names
- Meryl Streep Oscars and corresponding movies
- Politicians and their most recent party
- People that co-occur with "beatles"
- Airports around Berlin (using DIST)
- All objects with an location in a 100km ring around Freiburg
- All places in a stripe around the 48°N latitude
- Highest peak per mountain range in country X
- Things that happened on day X
- All persons and their date of birth
- German-speaking regions outside of DACH
- Universities in Germany
- All movies with their Wikipedia abstracts
- Movies with IMDB rating (via SERVICE to qlever:imdb)
- Movies matching keywords + IMDb rating
- All universities of DBLP authors with their location
- People who were born and died on the same day of the year
- Periods in earth's history
- Languages ranked by number of countries
- Movies by the Coen brothers, with IMDb ratings and scores
- Astronauts who walked on the moon
- Professions ordered by average age
- Add non-existing French city with wrong sort order (local vocab)
- For each country, the city with the largest number of museums
- Rivers ordered by length
- Test for isIRI, isBlank, isLiteral
- Famous people where we don't know the birth date
- Frequent groups of professions
- Oscar-winning movies with their IMDb score
- Version date (wikibase:Dump schema:dateModified ?date)
- British monarchs
- Datatypes of wdt:P625 coordinates
- Entities with their natural type (random)
- People without birth date [using FILTER NOT EXISTS]
- Natural types of subjects with given P31 type
- TV series ordered by IMDb rating
- Example for EXISTS query
- Sorry, no examples found :(

Query results:
Update successful!